Five fatal factors! When the monitor blinks off the TV

With the continuous upgrading of display technology, terminal display devices have been continuously innovating. From the earliest CRT era to the LCD era, to the current quantum dots, OLED era, we see increasingly thinner products, and the display effect is closer to reality. As the core display device of each family, TV is often the most fiercely contested area for new display technologies. It is evident from the current enthusiasm for OLEDs and quantum dots, and the competition in display technology in the television field has also extended to the display field. Why can't TV be used as a monitor? TVs and monitors also serve as screen output devices. There are actually many similarities between the two. Under the trend of big-screen trend, the display is from the original 17, 19, 21.5 inches to the current 25, 27, 32 inches, or even larger. TV has also officially transitioned from the 40-inch+ era to the 50-inch+ era, 55-inch has become the most mainstream choice for most consumers. TV and monitors not only formed a tacit understanding on the big screen, but the gap in price in recent years is getting smaller and smaller. Millet's latest 55-inch 4A TV Standard Edition sells for only 3199 yuan With the strong outbreak of Internet TV and the drop in the prices of LCD panels from the second half of 2015 to the first half of 2016, mainstream TV prices have plummeted, and Internet TV has introduced a lot of consumption through this flood. Ultra-low-cost products that are difficult to reject. What impressed me most was that last year a certain Internet brand introduced a 65-inch product, the price is only 3999 yuan. Even if it is a domestic or joint venture TV brand, the same size as the monitor, the price is almost the same. LG 27 inch 4K monitor price is 3099 yuan In fact, the comparison of TVs and monitors has a long history. Because there are many similarities in functionality, and the prices are almost the same, some small-size displays are even more expensive than large-size TVs. At the same time, TV interfaces are also very rich. Even if there is no VGA port, the HDMI port is basically equipped, and there is no obstruction to the connection to the video card. Therefore, many users have also initiated the idea of ​​replacing the display with a TV. However, you may not believe that TV can't replace the desktop monitor after all. • Brightness and size limit the TV to the desktop In general, monitors are generally used on the desktop and the distance between the user and the screen is not too far away. At present, the brightness of the most mainstream TV products will basically be between 300cd/m2 and 400cd/m2, and the brightness of TVs in the middle will be even higher, not to mention the high-end ones. The Z9D brightness introduced by Sony last year claims to be able to achieve terror. 4000cd/m2. In such a high-brightness environment, it will cause great harm to the human eye. Even if the TV can adjust the brightness, the range of the festival is quite limited, the brightness is adjusted to the lowest, and at a short distance, the brightness is still too high. Watching a high-brightness large-size TV at close range can cause serious eye damage Some users will choose a 34-inch to 38-inch display to be able to enjoy a large-screen experience. In this size segment, the price range of the monitor is usually between 2,500 yuan and 6,000 yuan, or even higher, and this price can be completely purchased. Larger TV products. However, we must know that the monitor must be used at close range. Excessive size display devices can cause eye damage due to a short viewing distance. In addition, we can imagine the harm caused to the eyes by the high brightness mentioned above. . At the same time, current LCD TVs basically do not have the ability to filter blue light. Using them for a long time at close range, the eyes are more prone to fatigue. The monitor is basically equipped with a filter blue light function. • Point spacing means that many “dot pitches” are the main factors that determine the difference between a TV and a monitor. Since televisions are usually much larger than the size of a display, the LCD panel of a TV is much larger than the display. And we usually watch monitors at a distance of about half a meter. If we use a TV as a monitor, the graininess will be very serious. The reason why we do not feel strong graininess when watching TV is because the distance we watch TV is usually more than 1.5 meters. When viewing 4K resolution TVs at close range, it will reduce certain graininess In fact, in the previous 1080P sofa butler, the TV due to the viewing distance of the factors, the user will not see a clear grainy, but close to watch is not the case. At present, we have basically entered the 4K era. The mainstream TVs in the market already have 4K ultra HD resolution, and the distance between pixels of the same color will also be reduced. So if we use a 4K TV as a monitor, the graininess May be reduced. However, the current display resolution is also developing towards 4K, and 4K displays are also not in the market. When viewed at close range, the monitor still has a very obvious advantage. · The color expression style is completely different. The use of TV in each family is biased towards entertainment. Therefore, in the color tuning style, it is more hoped to please the eye through some artistic processing. For example, with green plants, TV may optimize the colors and turn them into brilliant greens. Although the slightly darker greens will be more true, the brilliant greens will no doubt be more eye-pleasing. At the same time, the color standard used by televisions and monitors is completely different. Currently, the color standard used by the display is sRGB, while the television uses the Rec.709 standard or a few DCI-P3 standards. TV and monitors use completely different color standards The reason why the monitor displays the most accurate color is due to the user's daily needs. Because we use the display, whether it is to fix photos or print, we need the most realistic picture effects. If the color deviation is large, it will affect the overall effect of the work. For example, we want to print a photo that shows bright red on the TV, but it turns out to be dark red. The inconsistency in color tuning has also caused TV to end up on the desktop. · Grayscale is not between a range of televisions and monitors. In addition to the color is not a standard, the grayscale range is completely different. TVs can only show gray levels between 16 and 235, while professional monitors can display gray levels between 0 and 256. In other words, the monitor can display all of the 256 levels from pure black to pure white. However, the television does not have such a severe demand for grayscale. The full display of 16 or less is black, and the display of 235 or more is pure white. TV is less demanding for grayscale requirements than displays For such differences, it is not only for the users who need to do graphs but their color expression is a disaster, even ordinary users will be affected to a certain extent. For example, some details in the dark and bright parts of the game are lost. You may be ambushed. When you look at the photos, the charm of the photos is greatly reduced due to the loss of details. In the case of excels, the black, white and gray are not accurate. It may take a lot of effort to see clearly. TV and monitor positioning is different Generally speaking, the size of the TV must be larger, so many users are using the computer to connect to the TV, hoping to get a better visual experience. However, after connecting the computer host to the TV, I believe everyone will find that there are basically no problems when watching movies or playing games. Some are even better than the monitors. However, when displaying text, we will obviously feel that the text sharpness and sharpness of the TV are not enough. If we use it to process text or browse web pages, the experience is not as good as the display. TV connected to computer to play games, watch movies without any problems We all know that the basic purpose of television is to play movies or display game screens. Their common feature is that the pictures are dynamic. Therefore, in the development of LCD TVs, the dynamic picture will be optimized to enhance the sharpness of the dynamic picture, but the side effect is not so good when displaying static pictures. In fact, the fact that the TV display text is not clear enough is not caused by the low resolution. Even 4K TVs may have such problems. This is mainly due to the image sharpening transition and other issues to make the text less clear, it makes people look more difficult. The display is more moderate for the presentation of dynamic/still pictures The display, on the other hand, is positioned as a consumer oriented design drawing and typographic design. The content of their work is basically based on static images, so the tuning of the display tends to be static, which will be more excellent in the clarity of the text and the accuracy of color and grayscale. Overall, the display will appear to be moderate, and the display capabilities of static images are unquestionable. Dynamic images (playing games, watching movies) can also meet the needs of mainstream consumers. Written at the end: Actually, the problem of whether or not TVs and monitors can replace each other has continued for many years. The relationship between them is very similar to that of cameras and cameras. Both have overlaps in many functions, but they are different in application mode. If you are a user who only uses a computer to play games and watch movies, then you can use a large-screen TV to act as a monitor, provided you are at a suitable distance. If you are a user who needs to use a computer to work, then TV as a monitor will certainly disappoint you. Smart TV/box information can focus on smart TV information network sofa butler (http://), China's influential TV box and smart TV website, providing information, communication, TV boxes, smart TVs, smart TV software, etc. Answering questions.