The XG2020D is a monolithic integrated operational amplifier. It is mainly used to drive high-fidelity audio power amplifiers with external power transistors composed of 30~100W. The circuit contains a novel short-circuit protection system that automatically limits the power consumption of the circuit to ensure that the external power tube is within the safe working area. The circuit also has an overheat protection system, and the external power tube can also be protected at the same time.
The XG2020D is interchangeable with the Italian SGS TDA2020D. Domestically produced by Sichuan New Optoelectronics Factory. The circuit is in the form of a four-in-line plastic package. The main electrical parameters of XG2020D are as follows: Vcc=±25V; power supply ripple rejection ratio: 80dB; distortion: 0.05%; output noise voltage: 4μ V. XG2020D power-driven 30~50W power amplifier application example as shown .
The function and selection of several components, the values ​​of R3, R4, R5 and R6 in the figure can be selected by themselves, mainly used to change the allowable working range of the external power tube. The design can be changed according to different working conditions (Vcc, RL). 25mΩ (milliohms) (40mm long with 1mm constantan wire or 10mm long with 0.5mm constantan wire), shorted by R4 and R6. The circuit must be externally attached to the heat sink to operate. The surface of the circuit case has a piece of copper that is specifically designed to provide good thermal contact with the heat sink.
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Guangzhou YISON Electron Technology Co., Limited ,